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One Meal at a Time

June 1st is coming and in British Columbia, that means the next phase of living with COVID-19. People are stressed. People are worried....

The Eyes of Gratefulness

My daughter Madeline is in Grade 3 and she was asked to make a gratitude jar for her class. My 4 year old son, Spencer made one as well. ...

Art Therapy in School - By Emily Piper

I love art. The colours, textures, quiet, loud, chaotic, messy, surprising, joyful, heart-wrenching expression of it all. What I...

Looking Behind the Mask

My kids love dressing up. Spencer is really into the superheroes - I mean REALLY into superheroes. We actually have a small trunk of...

Beware The Blog

I’ll keep it short, I promise. Actually I promise I’ll keep them ALL short. For the past two decades of my career in education – I have...

Blog: Blog2
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